The tortoiseshell kitten : or, The adventure of Puss for three months; with a fine frontispiece.
The touchstone, or, The way to know a true Christian : being a description of the character of our blessed Savior, with an...
The transmigrations of Indur, an Indian brachman : through the bodies of an antelope, wild goose, dormouse, elephant, whale,...
The trial of an ox, for killing a man : with the examination of the witnesses, before Judge Lion, at Quadruped Court, near...
The troubles of life : being a familiar description of the troubles of the poor laborer, the little shopkeeper, the great...
The troubles of life, or, The guinea and the shilling. Cheap repository ; [46a]
The twelve months of the year : with a picture for each month : adapted to northern latitudes.
The twelve months of the year; : with a picture for each month. : Adapted to northern latitudes.
The Two friends, and Kind little James. Redfield's toy books. Second series ; no. 8
The Two friends, and Kind little James. Redfield's toy books. Second series ; no. 8
The two goats and the sick monkey.
The two kinds of fear. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 44
The two kinds of fear. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 44