A garland of new songs : Sweet Willy o' the green, The Yorkshire concert, The Yorkshire Irishman, The woodland maid.
A garland of new songs : The battle of the Nile, Tom Starboard, The sailor’s adieu, Tom Bowling, True courage, The sea boy.
A garland of new songs : The Bay of Biscay, o, All's well, Poor Joe the marine, The mid watch, The sea-boy, The sailor's...
A garland of new songs : The bonny Scotch lad and his bonnet so blue, The blackbird, My sailor dear shall guard my pillow,...
A garland of new songs : The death of Nelson, Lochaber, The yellow-haired laddie, Whistle, and I'll come to you, my lad, The...
A garland of new songs : The fairest of the fair, Here's a health, &c., The sea-boy, Giles Scroggins' ghost, My only Jo'...
A garland of new songs : The storm / by Mrs. Robinson. A free mason's song, My eye and Betty Martin.
A garland of new songs : Tweed side, My Nanie, o, Highland laddie, Up in the morning early, Flowers of the forest.
A gift for a little child.
A guide to inscriptions sculptured on tombstones, &c., before the year 1710, in the parishes of Paisley. Paisley...
A history of animals : for the use of children.
A history of beasts. : for the use of children.
A history of beasts. : for the use of children.
A history of birds. : for the use of children.
A hymn of praise for the abundant harvest of 1796. Cheap repository ; [73]