Parley the porter : an allegory : shewing how robbers without can never get into an house unless there are traitors within....
Patient Joe ; Wild Robert ; Dan and Jane ; and, The gin shop. Cheap repository tracts
Paulina, and her pets. Redfield's toy books. Second series no. 10.
Peveril of the peak, or, The loves of Julian and Alice : founded on the novel of that name, by the "great unknown." Robert...
Picture lessons in verse. Picture books for little children ; no. 15
Pleasing poetry and pictures : for the mind and the eye. Babcock's no. 3 toy books
Poems, pictures, and alphabet of verses : for the amusement and instruction of young persons.
Poetic gift : containing Mrs. Barbauld's hymns, in verse / by Mary Belson . Babcock's moral, instructive and amusing toy...
Poetic trifles, for young gentlemen & ladies.
Poor Burruff / by Mrs. Sherwood.
Prayers : to be used by a child or young person; by a grown peron; by the master or mistress of a Sunday school; and, by the...