The cries of London : for the instruction and amusement of good children; decorated with woodcuts from life. Penny books
The curiosities of London : containing a descriptive and entertaining sketch of the British metropolis, for the amusement of...
The daisy, or, Little rhymes for little readers. Toy books
The dangers of the deep, or, Interesting narratives of shipwrecks & disasters at sea / by John Byron.
The day's work of a little zephyr. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 15
The day's work of a little zephyr. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 15
The death and burial of Cock Robin.
The death and burial of Cock Robin.
The death and burial of Cock Robin.
The death and burial of Cock Robin.
The death of Christ, or, Tract for Good Friday. Cheap repository tracts
The demon ship, or, The pirate of the Mediterranean.
The disabled soldier ; The thresher ; The storm ; and, The happy retreat. Beauties of the muses ; V
The disappointed lover ; to which are added, Up in the morning, Wellington's address, My bonny Jean.
The distressing history of the Duchess of C** : who was confined nine years under ground, in a horrid dungeon, with nothing...