Guy Fawkes, or, The history of the gunpowder plot.
Happy home. Turner & Fisher's brilliant colored toy books
Hardyknute : a heroic Scottish ballad. Paisley repository ; no. 3-7
Hints to all ranks of people on the occasion of the present scarcity. Cheap repository ; [32b]
Histoire merveilleuse et véritable de Jeanne d'Arc, dite la pucelle d'Orléans, née à Domrémy, près de Vaucouleurs en...
History and anecdotes of the elephant with beautiful engravings.
History of domestic animals. Redfield's toy books. First series ; no. 9
History of little Red Riding Hood : in verse, with the moral of the tale.
History of the life and adventures of a mouse.
History of the seven champions of Christendom.