John in search of a place.
John the shopkeeper turned sailor, or, The folly of going out of our element : in four parts. Cheap repository tracts
John the shopkeeper turned sailor, or, The folly of going out of our element : in four parts. Cheap repository tracts
John the shopkeeper turned sailor, or, The folly of going out of our element : Part II. Cheap repository ; [58]
John the shopkeeper turned sailor. Part III Cheap Repository [70]
John Williams, or The sailor boy.
Joseph and his brethren. Part IV. Cheap repository ; [95]
Joseph in prison. Part II. Cheap repository [91]
Juvenile games and nursery rhymes.
Juvenile history of birds; or the power and wisdom of the supreme being in the works of creation, attempted to be unfolded by...
King James and the Egyptian robbers, or The court cave of Fife.
L'orphelin, ou, La tentation du pauvre. [Traités religieux] ; no 5
La croix de Christ. [Traités religieux] ; no 12
La croix de Christ. [Traités religieux] ; no 12
La fille du laitier. [Traités religieux] ; no 2