The history of Hester Wilmot, or, The new gown. Part II : being a continuation of The Sunday school. Cheap repository ;...
The history of Hester Wilmot, or, The second part of The Sunday school. Cheap repository ; [99]
The history of Hester Wilmot, or, The second part of the Sunday school. Cheap repository tracts
The history of Hester Wilmot; or, The new gown. Part II : being a continuation of the Sunday school. Cheap repository tracts
The history of Jack and Jill, and Old Dame Gill.
The history of Jack Spratt.
The history of Jack Spratt.
The history of Jack the Giant-Killer.
The history of John Brown of Priesthill : commonly called the Christian carrier, who was murdered by the bloody Claverhouse.
The history of King Robt. Bruce : containing the memorable battle of Bannockburn, &c &c. &c.
The History of little Solomon : embellished with neat engravings.
The History of little Tom Tucker.
The history of Lucy Gray.