Sir Eldred of the Bower. Part I / by Hannah More. Beauties of the muses ; X
Sir Eldred of the Bower. Part II / by Hannah More. Beauties of the muses ; XI
Sir Eldred of the Bower. Part III / by Hannah More. Beauties of the muses ; XII
Sketches of revolutionary worthies : with fine portraits.
Soffrona and her cat Muff / by Mrs. Sherwood ...
Some new thoughts for the new year.
Songs for little children.
Sorrowful Sam, or, The two blacksmiths. Cheap repository [45a]
Sorrowful Sam; or, The two blacksmiths. Cheap repository tracts
Stories about the balloon, windmill, sofa, bureau, harp, baseviol, violin, buglehorn, fire-engine, and wheelbarrow : in words...
Stories about the bear, zebra, lynx, wild boar, walrus, sloth, and anteater : in words of one, two, and three syllables....
Stories about the kite, fan, boat, barrel, brush, jug, pipe, knife, fork, spoon, and shovel : in words of one and two...
Stories about the sheep, cow, ox, horse, ass, and deer : in words of one, two, and three syllables. Cobb's toys. Third series...
Stories about the watch, clock, globe, inkstand, pen, slate, cradle, and anchor : in words of one and two syllables. Two cent...