Look at home, or, The accusers accused : being an account of the manner in which our Savior put to silence the Scribes and...
Lord Roden and the servant girl. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 34
Lord Roden and the servant girl. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 34
Lovely Jean : to which are added, The bush aboon Traquair, The lass in yon town, The pitcher, The death of Wolfe.
Maggy Lauther ; to which are added, The pitcher ; Bonny Jean ; Yarrow braes.
Margaret and the minister : a true tale ; to which is added, Soda water.
Margaret and the minister, a true tale ; Hey for a lass wi' a tocher ; Rest, warrior, rest ; The bonnie bark.
Markham's spelling-book : arranged for the use of preparatory schools.
Marshall's droll stories about comical ladies; or, Uncle's gift to his good little nephews and nieces.
Mary and her cat : words not exceeding two syllables : illustrated with cuts.
Mary Jones, or The Soldier's daughter. : An interesting story.
Master Henry's arrival ; and, The alarm. Milner toys ; 1
Master Henry's green bag : its loss and recovery. Milner toys ; 5