Master Henry's lesson ; The visitors ; and, Hay making. Milner toys ; 2
Master Henry's lesson; The visitors; and Hay making.
Master Henry's rabbit ; The bees ; and, The faithful dog. Milner toys ; 6
Master Henry's visit at Mrs. Green's : and his return. Milner toys ; 4
Master Henry's walk ; and, The story of Jenny Crawley. Milner toys ; 3
Master Truelove's playgame : being a pleasing entertainment for little boys and girls by which they may learn their letters,...
Memoir of Amelia S. Chapman.
Memoirs of a peg-top / by the Author of Adventures of a pincushion.
Metamorphosis, or, A transformation of pictures with poetical explanations for the amusement of young persons.
Metamorphosis, or, A transformation of pictures, with poetical explanations for the amusement of young persons.
Metamorphosis,or, Fun for little folks.
Milk for babes, or, A catechism in verse.
Millar's second edition of Hardyknute : an old heroic Scottish ballad. Paisley repository ; no. 9
Mind your mother : an old man's story.