The beggar's petition ; Danae to her babe Perseus ; and, Lines on a malefactor under condemnation. Beauties of the muses ; VI
The beggarly boy : a parable ; to which is added, A new history of a true book.
The beggarly boy : a parable. Cheap repository ; [25]
The beggarly boy : a parable. Cheap repository tracts
The bereaved mothers. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 22
The bereaved mothers. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 22
The Bible of divine origin.
The black prince : a true story : being an account of the life and death of Naimbanna, an African king's son, who arrived in...
The blackbirds nest : a tale.
The bleeding nun of the Castle of Lindenberg, or, The history of Raymond & Agnes / by the author of The castle spectre....
The blind child. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 28
The blind child. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 28
The blood-stained mantle, or, A sister's revenge : a legendary tale. Robert Cruikshank's titles & colored frontispieces...
The book of beasts, for young persons.