The book of the sea, for the instruction of little sailors. Redfield's toy books. First series
The boy and the rainbow. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 4
The boy and the rainbow. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 4
The boy and the rainbow. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 4
The brave boy ; and The eagle. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 8
The brave boy ; and The eagle. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 8
The brothers, or, Self-denial. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 30
The brothers, or, Self-denial. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 30
The burying-ground / by Charlotte Elizabeth
The butterfly's ball and grasshopper's feast / [William Roscoe] 10.
The butterfly's ball, and the grasshopper's feast / by Mr. Roscoe ; to which is added, an original poem, entitled A winter's...