The wonderful prophecies of Robert Nixon, the celebrated Cheshire prophet : from Lady Cowper's correct copy : with an account...
The Wonders of the British metropolis : being an instructive and amusing sketch of London.
The World turned upside down, or, No news, and strange news.
The Yorkshire songster, and loyal Briton's vocal companion : being a collection of favorite old songs.
The young arithmetician, or, The reward of perseverance. Redfield's toy books. Third series. ; no. 5
The young gardener ; and Good and bad marks. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 10
The young gardener ; and Good and bad marks. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 10
The young gardener ; and Good and bad marks. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 10
The young Sabbath-breakers / revised by the committee of publication.
The young witness. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 19
The young witness. Dean's illustrated farthing books ; 19
The youngster's diary : or, Youth's remembrancer of natural events, for every month in the year.
The youth's manual, or, Child's first book / carefully compiled by a friend of youth.
Theodore Carleton, or, Perseverance against ill-fortune / by Mrs. Barbauld. Redfield's toy books. Fourth series ; no. 7
Therese, or, The orphan of Geneva : an original romance, founded on the French story : as now performing, with unbounded...