Bibliographic Citation:
A garland of new songs : Lovely Kitty, Woo'd and married and a', The battle of Sherra-Muir, If he will take the hint, By the gaily circling glass. Newcastle upon Tyne : Printed by J. Marshall, [between 1800 and 1831]
Alternative Title:
Lovely Kitty.
Woo'd and married and a'.
The battle of Sherra-Muir.
If he will take the hint.
By the gaily circling glass.
Woo'd and married and a'.
The battle of Sherra-Muir.
If he will take the hint.
By the gaily circling glass.
Printed by J. Marshall, [between 1800 and 1831]
- Undated. Date range from trading dates of J. Marshall, cf. The British book trade index WWW site.
- Without music.
- Title vignette.
- First sentence of Lovely Kitty: "For foreign climes to cross the sea, I joyful left my native cot, And o'er the billows sung with glee, Unmindful of my future lot; Till love, a foster name for fate, To other themes transform'd my ditty; Then all my song was, 'Bonny Kate,' And all its burthen, 'Lovely Kitty.'"
- First sentence of Woo'd and married and a': "The bride cam out o' the byre, And O as she dighted her cheeks!"
- First sentence of The battle of Sherra-Muir: "O Cam' ye here the fight to shun, Or herd the sheep wi' me, man?"
- First sentence of If he will take the hint: "Young Roger is a bonny lad, None blyther I can see; Sae trim he wears his tartan plaid, Sae kind he blinks at me."
- First sentence of By the gaily circling glass: "By the gaily circling glass, We can see how minutes pass By the hollow flask are told How the waning nights grow old."
- Includes 1 woodcut.
- Copy in McGill Library’s Rare Books and Special Collections: With: A garland of new songs : The bonny Scotch lad and his bonnet so blue, The blackbird, My sailor dear shall guard my pillow, Bundle of truths. Newcastle upon Tyne :Printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-market,[between 1800 and 1823?]. Bound together subsequent to publication.
Physical Description: and white, 16 cm.
Chapbook Category:
Metrical Tales and Other Verse
Call Number:
Digital Collection:
McGill Library's Chapbook Collection
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