Bibliographic Citation:
Simple poems for infant minds. New York: : Kiggins & Kellogg, 88 John Street., [between 1848and 1857]
Kiggins & Kellogg, 88 John Street., [between 1848and 1857]
- Kiggins & Kellogg published at 88 John St. from 1848 to 1857.
- In printed wrapper.
- Wood-engraved illustrations variously signed by Benjamin F. Pease and William Barritt.
- "Second series.--No. 11."--series title, head of p. [1] of wrapper. "Just published, Redfield's toy books, four series of twelve books each, beautifully illustrated, price, one, two, four, and six cents."--publisher's advertisement, p. [4] of printed wrapper.
- "Kiggins & Kellogg, publishers, booksellers, & stationers"--advertisement, p. [4] of wrapper.
- First sentence: "Oh, see our little boat, How prettily it glides; Like a bird it seems to float, Press'd forward by the tides, By the tides."
- Includes 6 woodcuts.
- Contents: The sail-boat -- A little story -- My little doll Rose -- My bird is gone -- The bird's answer -- The kite -- Oh! Look at the moon -- The sleeping baby -- School is out -- To an ant -- The ant's answer.
- Copy in McGill Library's Rare Books and Special Collections: 1 full-page woodcut; title-page vignette; 4 cuts in text. Yellow pictorial wrappers; cover 1 gives publisher's address at 123 & 125 William St. Book Fair. St. Petersburg, Fl. Feb/92. $20.00. Hobbyhorse. Ho Ho Kus, N.J. - '96 - $70.00. Given to McGill 2001.
Physical Description: and white, 92 x 60 mm.
Chapbook Category:
Metrical Tales and Other Verse
Digital Collection:
McGill Library's Chapbook Collection
The McGill Library's Chapbook Collection was made possible through a generous donation from the Harold Crabtree Foundation.
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