Fourth Bridge across the Firth of Forth in Scotland, postcard.
Fourth Interim Report the No. 1 Neurological Hospital, RCAMC, CASF.
Frances and Mary Eberstadt, photograph.
Francis Hall II and George Hall, photograph.
Francis Hall II in a cradle, photograph.
Francis, Priscilla and Vickery Hall, photograph.
Fred, Hugh, Betty, photograph.
Freddie and Nancy, photograph.
Frederic Eberstadt and Two Children, photograph.
Friends of Wilder Penfield standing in an outdoor sports field, photograph.
Friends of Wilder Penfield standing in doorway, photograph.
Front cover of photograph album, 1913-1916.
Front cover of photograph album, 1919-1927.
Front view of Hackwood House, photograph (back).
Front view of Hackwood House, photograph (front).