Wilder Penfield's childhood began on the west coast of the United States. On the disintegration of her marriage, Wilder's mother moved him and his two siblings to live with her parents in Hudson, Wisconsin. There his mother established a small private boys' school, partially as a means of ensuring that Wilder would obtain the academic education and athletic conditioning required to win a Rhodes Scholarship.
The materials in this section include images of Wilder's parents, as well as a Galahad School scrapbook. The scrapbook was likely compiled by Jean Penfield and includes information about the school and its pupils from the school's opening in 1905 until its closure in 1918. Also included in the scrapbook are copies of several Galahad publications, including a number of issues of The Signet, the school paper. This publication contains examples of students' writings and details various school events, including the accomplishments of the school's football team, of which Wilder was a member.