McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

The Crees went off[.] The Grand Coquin and a Band of Montagners arrived[.] The Beaver Indian is very sick[.] We are informed that a band of Chepeweans on the other Side of the Lake have a great many provisions and that St Germain from the Bustard Island Set Out to meet them and take Care of their provisions[.] Nine pieces of fish were taken here today[.] Blowing hard[.]

Wednesday 27th[.] Sent Laviollette this morning to Mama Oui to fish[.] Soon after Messrs Thomson, Wentzel & Steinbrucks arrived from the Peace River with two Canoes of provisions[.] Gave Marlin ¾ fathm of Tobacco and ½ Do to the Grand Coquin[.]

Thursday 28th[.] La Viollette brought 33 pieces of fish from Mama Oui of which all hands had the prey[.] He went off immediately and St Cir accompanied him[.] Traded a few Beaver skins – and sent Piché to Count all the Skins the montagners have in the Lodges which he told us afterwards amount to 25 to be made into Robes[.]

Friday 29th[.] St Cir brought 31 pieces of fish[.] This evening before sun set the heavens all of a Sudden became overcast with Clouds or rather Smoke that it appeared like midnight and the air so impregnated with a Sulphurous Smell that we found it more agreeable to remain in the houses than Out of Doors[.] The Night Continued so Dark that nothing Could be distinguished any more than in a subterraneous Vault – & the Indians Killed Several Ducks with a flambeau owing to the Darkness of the Night[.] As we are not philosophers enough to attribute any other Cause to this Sudden transition from light to Darkness & from a pure air to a Sulphurous smell air we think it may be occasioned by the irruption of some volcanoe in the neighbourhood of this place as the Indians inform us that there are severals hereabouts[.]

Saturday 30th[.] La Viollette Sent us no fish this Day[.] He sent us 31 yesterday[.] Sent St Cir to enquire the reason of Laviollette not coming with fish as usual[.] Rained heavy all Day[.]

Sunday 31st[.] A great many Montagners ar[r]ived with nothing[.] Laviollette and St Cir


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