McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Island[.] They embarked nothing[.] Sent St Germain and Piché after them to Keep them from trading with the Indians or to advertise us in case Perronne Sets off for Isle a la Crosse[.] In the Evening Piché came to inform us that Kenedy wt one man only remained at Bustard Island and that the other 5 Men and Perronne set out for Island Isle a la Crosse[.] Got a Teaureaux made for St Germain and Piché whom we sent after them and sent the former 20 M Ammn & 2 fms of Tobacco to be given to Indians if necessary with Orders to Accompany Perronne till they meet Mr Finlay[.] It blows So hard that Piché dare not go away[.] La Montagner arrived[.] Gave Marlin 4 Measures Rum and a foot of Tobacco to drink and smoke in his new Lodge[.] 20 pieces of fish were taken yesterday in Our Nets & 9 today[.]

Monday 25th[.] Piché and the Potties arrived[.] St Germain remains on Bustard Island with two of the Potties Scall[ions.] The Roche qui Reluie's Byr arrived & paid 12 Skins Br & 13 Do meat Credits[.] The Potties made him drink rum as much as he pleased for having with our permission having exchanged his Canoe which is large for one of theirs which is much smaller[.] Our Reason for allowing him to do this was to Save Ourselves the trouble and expence of giving him rum for he had nothing else to trade[.] We cannot See any harm the Potties can do us now with a small Canoe Since we watch them Continually and may follow them wherever they can go[.] They will have plenty of Canoes in the fall for little or nothing which can hardly be prevented[.]

Tuesday 26th[.] Gave the Roche qui Reluie's Byr 10 ms Ammn and ½ fathom of Tobacco[.] The Potties were more liberal in their Gifts to him for they gave him Twice as many skins gratis and promised to go and find him at [t]he foot of Montagne d'Ecosse where the Crees mean to winter[.] Sent the Bras Cassé the same number of skins gratis as the Roche qui Reluie's Byr had[.] La Montagne traded 11 Skins Peltries and 8 Do lean dried meat[.] He Killed a Crane[.] Gave him 3 measures of Ammn at his Departure[.]



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