McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

[arr]ived from Mamaoui with 12 ps of fish which were almost […] having been taken the Day before yesterday[.] Gave [th]e men the prey of it[.] Laviollette says that no more fish can be taken at mamaoui – but my Opinion is that instead of the fish leaving Laviollette, Laviollette Left the fish – So as to divert himself here among the men and Women[.]

Monday 1st Septr[.] Cadien Deballée arrived with 1½ Keg salt[.] Sent Jean & Little Martin to Mamaoui to fish and Gave them 2 Ps of net[.]

Tuesday 2nd[.] Early this morning John and Martin arrived from Mama Oui with 13 white fish taken in ps net at a place where Laviollette Set there was none[.]

Wednesday 3rd[.] A Band of Montagners arrived at the head of whom was 3Pouces who brought us a Bustard and traded 8 Skins Grease and 3 Do of dried meat[.]

Thursday 4th[.] About 4 in the afternoon Mr Roderick McKenzie arrived from Lac Lapluie in a Month and 4 Days with 6 Men in a Light Canoe[.] Gave the Men the prey[.]

Friday 5th[.] This Morning St Germain & 6 more men set Out to meet the Loaded Canoes with 21 ps of provisions[.] They had as much dried meat fo[r] their Own Voyage as they pleased to take[.]

Saturday 6th[.] Traded Several Skins of Gibiers […] all day[.] As we were going to bed M[] […] Fraser arrived from Grand Marrais […] loaded with provisions[.]

[…] Rained all Day. Mr Stuart ha[…] of the Patte's men spoke ill of hi[…] […] fellows mouth with his fists[.]


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