McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

is to fight with beasts like himself for notwithstanding his depravity of mind he is not quite So destitute of reason as not to Know that to fight with such a monster as he would be a disgrace to any human being let alone a Christian[.] As we, Mr Porter and I, regard an insult to one of our Employers Children as an insult t[o] Ourselves – We desired Piche to tell them perremtorely that to hold their tongues, that they always began to quarrel the first and that they would at last find themselves the Dupes of their filthy words and that if any found himself offended at any part of our behavior he might come and find us for he he Knew where we live[.] Kennedy excused himself[.] Marlin and 5 young Men arrived[.] The women who went along with the Montagners arrived[.] Made La Viollette Set a piece of Net[.] Cadien worked at many things[.]

Thursday 21st[.] Laviollette took 9 pieces of fish[.] Got the Hangard and other Houses swept and the Goods taken out of the Boxes, Bags &c which contained them[.] The women arrived with Berries of which they gave us our good shares[.]

Friday 22nd[.] As it is impossible to make Laviollette & Cadien Deballé work enough to earn their prey without being perpetually in dispute with them I have sent the Latter this Day with 3Pouce's Slave for Salt & gave them for their Voyage 4 measures Ammn & 20 Double handfuls of pounded Meat[.] This will be better than any work that Cadien Could do here till his employers's arrival as their is not a grain of salt at this place[.] St Germain and his family arrived[.] 3 of the Crees with whom he was are gone to the Grand Marrais and the rest towards Lac Claire to make their Credits[.] He softens a good deal Labrie's wife's account of them to us on the 13th Instant[.] The Red Knife Indian and the Slave Lake Indian who had been a hunting arrived with a Swan & a Duck[.] Gave Marlin for nothing a Skin stitching thread and a Linen shirt first wages[.] More women arrived with Berries[.] Paid for Smoking weed for Mr Parker 3 Skins[.]

Saturday 23rd[.] This morning Sent Piché and Laviollette after Kennedy and Perronne who went to the Beg on Bustard Island[.] They all came back in the Evening[.]

Sunday 24th[.] Perronne and Kenedy Set off this morning with all their People except Vieux Parrin towards bustard


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