McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

match though they have nothing at all to drink[.] Got the rooms washed with Ley – and 30 Candles made[.]

Monday 17th or Sunday 17th[.] All the women except Polly and Landrie's Girl went for Berries[.] La Viollette worked at a Chair & Cadien Killed a Duck & 2 partridges[.]

Monday 18th[.] This morning the Potties arrived from the Peace River[.] Sent Cadien to make Masses and Quins[.] He made 32 of the Former and 2 of the Latter[.] A young man arrived who inform’d us that the Montagners have Killed not far from here 3 Orignals and 5 Bears[.] Un bon Coup for Montagners[.] Laviollette finished the Chair[.] I may be found fault with for employing a man in the Summer to make Such a triffling thing as a chair but I cannot help it for I was in want of one and could not write without it[.] Should I see any remarks made on this or other part of my Conduct through out this Journal and should these remarks be of the ill natured kind I will only tell the makers of them to do better themselves[.] They may be more useful to their employers than I have been but I will defy them to prove more interested[.]

Tuesday 19th[.] Piché and his women arrived from the opposite side of the Lake[.] Traded two skins worth of Berries[.] Laviollette and Cadien put new windows into the hangard and houses and performed Several other triffling Jobs about the fort[.]

Wednesday 20th[.] Piche is as usual encamped on the farther off side of the Potties and Cadien on this Side[.] The former busies himself very much telling us stories about them but as his veracity cannot be depended upon I shall not mentio[n] here but one of his Stories which Seems the most probable[.] Mr Daniel Mackenzie's Daughter whom piché has got in care was playing with the other Children before Perronne's Door[.] This disgrace to human Nature Sneaked Out of his Cave – & told the little Girl with a threatening Tone to be gone for She was une Sacre Crapeau & he remembered yet that her relations wanted to Kill him not long Since without any Just reason[.] Piché (as he informs us) Says that he instantly came to Perronne and abused and Challenged him to fight for his insolent unprovoked Language – but that Perronne denied the fact and refused to fight saying qu'il été pas pour se battre avec le monde[.] I suppose then that he


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