McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

his Children Starve and that when he tells the Crees to hunt in order to Kill their Credits and Keep themselves from starving they laugh at him and tell him that their Credits are not worth paying for they are only a little rum mixt with a great deal of water[.] Gave the prey of pounded Meat and Grease to the Men, consisting of Piché, Cadien and Laviollette[.] Gave the prey also to the Beaver Indian, the red Knife Indian and the Montagner who Served as men in the Company's Canoe's from their respective Departments to this place[.]

Thursday 14th[.] The two men belonging to the Potties who were fishing on Bustard Island came over this day but returned immediately after their arrival[.] They take no fish[.] Sent Piché after them[.] A Cree woman left an old broken Canoe on the little Island opposite to their House[.] This Canoe they told Piche they would mend and make use of – but in this as in every thing else they are disappointed for last night w[hen] every body was fast asleep I told Piché to Send the Canoe a la drive which he accordingly did[.] Sourarda's Son borrowed a Gun from them in the beginning of Summer[.] This Indian went yesterday where they were on the Bustard Island – Knocked the Gun on the Stones before their faces, broke it out of use, and told them their Gun was as bad as themselves[.] Sent Laviollette to set a piece of a net and Deballais to make ashes to scour the rooms[.] Gave these two men the prey of Pounded meat and Grease[.] Gave 4 measures of Ammn to the Beaver and the red Knife Indians and sent them to live into the woods[.] Piché had the prey for three days of pounded meat and Grease[.]

Friday 15th[.] Only two piecs [pieces] of the worst fish in this Lake[.] Rained all Day which spoiled all the ashes that Cadien made yesterday[.] Laviollette went to the Island opposite the Fort and rose or cut wood to make two Chairs[.]

Saturday 16th[.] The Biccasse and Paspartou's wives arrived from Lac Claire[.] They met the Bras Casse and his band returning to that place after having left it already this Summer to Come here[.] These damned Rascals delight in nothing more than in Changing forts and in getting Goods for nothing at every place they go to – but this last time they are taken in for they expected to find Mr Porter there and to make a drinking


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