McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Monday 11th[.] At break of day this morning John, Charles, and two young Montagners Set out for Grand Marrais with two kegs of High wines[.] At the Same time P___y was busy bringing a young Son into the world and accomplished her purpose before John and Charles were Out of Sight[.] As Vieux Parrin and his Men could Catch no fish here the former sent the Latter to fish at the Bustard Island and as I suppose they went to fish for Montagners on the other side of the Lake I sent Piché along with them in order to frustrate their Design at the Pain of guarding Pichés Post myself[.] About 12 a band of old Montagners arrived from the other Side of the Lake and traded 3 Skins of dried Meat, 1 of Pounded Ditto and 1 of Bustard[.] After Dark the Tete de Lièvre and his wife arrived[.] Gave him a foot of Tobacco and 6 measures of Rum[.]

Tuesday 12th[.] Early this Morning the Tete and his wife Set up their pipes through Chagrin for their deceased Son in Law and Bawled and yowled at a hideous rate till 12 O'Clock[.] The old fellow obliged me (because I did not wish to displease him) to give him 6 measures more rum in addition to the 6 he had last night in order as he said to drive away his Chagrin but the truth is to make him Yowl still Louder[.] At 12 OClock Mr Porter arrived bag and Baggage from Lake Claire[.] Gave Tete de Lievre besides the Rum 8 measures of ammn 2 feet Tobacco and one Large Knife[.] In my hurry to finish this day in my Journal I almost forgot to mention that the Tete de Lievre brought 15 Skins worth of Good dried meat, 3 do Grease and two in Peltries[.] Rained all Day[.]

Wednesday 13th[.] Piché came from the Bustard Island where he was encamped with two of the Pottie’s men[.] Got the Old Hangard Covered with Bark[.] Labrie's wife who left this with St Germain and the Crees on the 21st of last month arrived[.] St Germain desired her to inform us that the Crees do nothing but playing, that he &


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