McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Wednesday 6th[.] Sent La Viollette, the Red Knife, & the Beaver Indian to Lac Claire in a Large Canoe for Mr Porter and the provisions made there this Summer[.] The Cree encampt on the Isle du Campment last night[.] As I was informed that they traded a little meat with Vieux Parrin after their D[e]parture from here I sent Masquawsish to encamp along with Piché on the same Island in order to prevent their trading more for I dare say they made Caches before their arrival here the Day before yesterday – although I had Sent La Viollette that day to meet them and keep them from hiding their provisions yet very Carelessly the fellow marched a head & left a band of women behind[.] Piche lost his Canoe[.] One of Perronne's Men passed the night on the Island also taking Care of his nets from the Ravages of the Crees[.] The Bras Cassé took a few things on Credit from the Potty which he returnd aftrewards upon my going purposely to the Island to tell Him that he was an old Liar and a Langue Sans dessein for his actions were the Very Contrary of his Speeches[.] Killed a Porcupine before the Door of the Fort[.]

Thursday 7th[.] Good for nothing Montagners to the member of 20 or 30 went over to the other Side of the Lake to eat Berries[.] A Band of the frenchmen's women accompanied them[.] Traded the value of 2 Skins of Berries from another Band of women who arrived from the opposite side of the Lake[.] Got the women to pound dried meat to the amount of 22 skins in pounded Meat[.] Gave Old Yabanedja who is the father and consequently the master of 5 young men 4 measures of Ammn Gratis[.]

Friday 8th[.] Got the remainder of the pounded I mean the remainder of the dried meat made into pounded meat[.] The whole may come to 40 Skins in pd Mt Tho' I suppose it cost one hundred in the manner it was traded – which was in fresh and half fresh meat[.]

Saturday 9th[.] Nothing at all but rainy weather[.]

Sunday 10th[.] About 12 or 1 O'Clock this Evening Charles McKenzie McLeod arrived from Grand Marrais from Messrs Stuart and Wentzel with Letters[.] He left that place the 5th in a Sauteux Canoe with his wife – and is come for rum & some other Articles necessary for the trade of that place[.] Wrote Answers to the Letters I received and gave Charles everything he wanted[.]


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