McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

all frenchmen are more active in their Employers cause with a full than with an Empty Belly[.] To keep the frenchmen in good humour their Chops now and then must be greased[.] After Piché got the Pounded meat and Grease he proved more Interested than he had done since his Arrival from Slave Lake[.] He is encampt a little farther than the distance of a Gun shot from Perronnes house[.] This night is very Dark yet his Sight improved so much that he perceived a Montagner Debarking at the little Island before Perronne's House though he assured me often that it was impossible for him to have seen Perronne going off altho' the night then was much brighter than it is now[.] He ran immediately to the Montagner who proved to be that damned thief the English Chiefs Byr[.] He accosted him in Cree and the Montagner on this account taking him for one of Perronne's Lackey's told him that his Son was already arrived in their House and that he left his wife wt meat and Skins for them at the Pointe au Chien[.] Piché then thought proper to discover himself by Speaking in Montagner – Made the old fellow come and his Son come here by offrring to flog them and as Soon as they Set out for this fort – Piché in their Canoe went down to the Point and brought up 6 Skins of good Dried Meat and 13 Skins of Beaver[.] As he was arriving at the Point he perceived one of the Potties sneaking along[.] He told him that if he touched anything belonging to the Indians He would give him a Sound beating for his pains – the fellow got frightened and returned[.] It is very likely that if I had not understood Piche's Complaints and given him nothing he would not in his turn have seen the Montagner going to Perronnes and Kept him from trading all he had there[.]

Friday August 1st[.] Laviollette Sent us 20 pieces of fish[.]

Saturday 2nd[.] This Evening Sourarda & his Son arrived from Lac Claire[.] They are both almost naked and Starving having thrown away every thing belonging to them on account of the Death of One of their best hunters the Tete de Lievres Gendre who was Killed in the last month by a Buffaloe[.] The Tete de Lievre has gone like a madman into Athabasca River with Marlen taking care of him as he wants to Destroy himself[.] All the other Montagners come here So that Mr Porter is alon[e]



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