McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

at Lac Claire[.] Gave Sourarda a little Dried meat half Spoiled which I kept for the Dogs[.] I did this to get quite of him for he was Since his arrival teasing me for Ammn &c. Laviollette came with 20 pieces of fish and returned immediately[.] A Band of women who went yesterday to gather Berries arrived this Evening and Say they found None – So we will eat no ber[rie]s this Summer and the Company's Corrasse Shall not Suffer by Our extravagance that way[.]

Sunday 3rd[.] Accass & Zazé arrived from their Lands & went off immediately[.] They had about 25 Skins between them which I allowed them to trade as they wanted three times as many on Credit[.] Gave each of then 2 ms of Ammn Gratis[.] A band of women went for Berries[.] La Viollette Sent us 10 pieces of fish[.]

Monday 4th[.] This morning La Viollette and the Red Knife Indian arrived from Mama oui bag and baggage & brought but 6 pieces of fish[.] At the same time The Boeuf de Bout arrived from the Bras Cassé and Several Montagners arrived from Lac Claire[.] Dubois Comrade, a Montagner, pulled his Gun from the Boeuf de Bout because, he said the Crees threatened to kill Montagners but we made the montagner return his Gun to the Cree and the latter Set off immediately with ½ fm Tobacco for the Bras Cassé[.] I refused to send him Ammn as he has only meat I did not Choose to fire – besides it is a ceremony never used in the Summer at this place and I do not wish to be the first to introduce it[.] Soon after the Crees arrived in all 7 men besides women and Children[.] Dubois Comrade continued insulting and braving them as they Came along from the Potties fort[.] Got all their baggage put into the Hangard and their Lodges made in the Fort – So as to have less trouble during the Drinking match[.] Gave them a large keg for 86 skins of provisions and 18 m rum between them for nothing[.] The Montagners to the number of 12 entered the house where they harrangued the Crees about their intention of killing Montagners for near an hour during which time none spoke to them but Drollette the most cowardly of them all[.] At last the Bras Cassé Spoke to this purpose – "Since I was a young man I have been always hereabout and among the Montagners but I never Killed nor offer'd to kill a Montagner nor do I mean to do it now that I am old Man – if the Montagners leave me and my young men alone – but should the Montagners wish to Cut the Crees – the


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