McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Sunday 20th[.] The Crees went and encampt on the little Island before the Potties who borrowed fish this day of an old Montagner woman[.] Gave the Roche qui reluie's Byr the value of 10 skins for nothing in Ammn and Tobacco and Gave each of the other Crees 2 measures Ammn a flint and a piece of Tobacco[.] They went away exceeding well pleased and promising not to come to the Fort till they make their meat Credits[.] The Roche qui reluie's Byr had 26 phials of rum at the Commencement of and during the Drinking match but the others had not a Drop but a phial on arrival[.]

Monday 21st[.] As I was afraid that the Crees will not work and may go to the Peace River where the Potties are stronger than here I sent St Germain with his family along with them – in order to Keep them from coming here or from going to the Grand Marrais[.] Gave St Germain 6 M Ammn and two fathoms of Tobacco with 10 ms Ammn and 2 fathoms of Tobacco he had before[.] Of these articles he is to give a little So Such as may take it as an excuse to come to the Fort[.] They went away[.] Drollette went to meet the Bras Casse in the Athabasca River[.] The 34 Skins of fresh Meat that were traded the 17th make 20 Skins in Dried Meat at the rate of 10lb per Skin[.] Piché & La Viollette Threw down those that remained up of the pickettes of the front of the Fort and Squared a Sole to replace one which broke[.] The Meuffle arrived and traded 6 Skins worth of half Dried Meat[.]

Wednesday 23rd[.] The two Men busy about the Fort[.]

Thursday 24th[.] The Men busy as yesterday[.]

Friday 25th[.] The Men at work as usual[.]

Saturday 26th[.] The Hands Son Seeing the Fort almost finished and that he would not be able any more in the night to Rodger his Sweetheart Set Out this morning for the Grand Marrais that we might not Say it was on that Account[.] Gave him a short Letter for Our Gentlemen in that Quarter and two Ms Ammn for nothing[.] Piche and La Viollette finished the Fort – they smoaked often & took their time to this shabby piece of work. They spent the rest of the Day mending nets[.]

Sunday 27th[.] La Viollette & Piché set 2 nets[.] Traded with a Deaf Montagner 5 Skins half dried meat and two Beaver Skins[.]


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