McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Wednesday 16th. Towards Day light this morning St G. Laviollette, Masquawshish &c. arrived but saw nothing of Perronne and his Men[.] We therefore Conclude they are gone to the Grand Marrais[.] The Bras Casse's Son brought 5 skins of fresh Meat[.]

Thursday 17th[.] The Crees arrived – they are 11 Men in number[.] The Roche qui reluie's Byr Sent a small keg for rum from the Pointe Au Chien but as I could find no precedent for sending rum to Indians so near hand – I sent him none but gave it to him after his arrival and gave a phial each to the other Crees[.] They brought 34 skins of fresh meat this day – which I got the women to Cut & dry[.] The Crees busy Drinking all Day[.]

Friday 18th[.] Last night in the Drinking match the Roche qui reluie's Byr proved very troublesome – & we had Some difficulty to appease him and some of the other Crees[.] He told me that as I was too fond of the rum the young men would foresake me and I would be ashamed[.] I answered that I would not be ashamed for I was yet young, Knew better Countries than this, and would leave them[.] He then said he spoke to no purpose[.] Laviollette and Piché watched turn about on the rock[.] They caught women carrying meat and Green skins to Vieux Parrin which they afterwards traded here[.] The Petit mal traded a Brochette D'Orignal Dried with vieux Parrin for rum[.] I saw him Carrying the meat there – he offered it to me twice but as we were insight of their house I refused it and told him to trade it which he accordingly did and found their rum worse than Ours[.] This was occasioned by Our Stoping the Drinking match for about a Quarter of an hour[.]

Saturday 19th[.] Drollette arrived from Grand Marrais he met Perronne going up the Peace River but he was pitiful for he had not the least morsel to eat[.] The Indians Still Drinking[.] The Roche qui reluie's Byr asked permission to bring a Green Orignal skin to Vieux Parrin to get Strong Rum[.] He obtained permission went and came back Soon after with the Skin Saying that when he asked Strong rum of Parrin the old Toad shook his head and he immediately came off with his Skin to me for I never shook my head[.] Gave him a little Port Wine mixt with rum & Sugar to which I added a P[…].


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