McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

his Den, his only Asylum in time of Danger – but no insults were able to bring him Out[.] Gods Knows there were enough of the bitterest kind leveled at him by St Germain and me to no effect[.] I cannot imagine how a man can endure so much without even giving an answer[.] He is now So much disconcerted that he will be afraid to attempt going before his Employers Canoes this year[.] St Germain told him he would Overtake him wherever he would go and giveing him a beating every now and then by way of revenge for having been turned Out of Doors[.] I promised him that if he presented himself before me I would in the meantime give him another flogging and then get him hung for presenting a Cocked pistole to the Breast of a man who had none which was an action worthy only of a Perronne who was despised by his wife in Montreal because he had no B___ks & by all ranks of People elsewhere because he is a Cowardly rascal[.] Tu vien pour faire Corner La Grand Societé – Corne a present a ton Tour.

Sunday 13th[.] La Viollette arrived from Lac Claire[.] The Malade arrived with meat half dried which he does not yet trade[.] The Roche qui reluie's Byr sent a small keg for rum but the keg broke and rum was sent him[.] He sent word that he is soon to arrive and expects to get 40 phials rum gratis[.] I desired them to tell him that I expect no meat gratis from him and thus it would be folly in him to boug[…] himself up with Such hopes of Such a present from me s[ince] from that very reason it is likely he will be disappointed[.] Made Piché camp near Perronne's House to watch him all night so as that we may be less at a loss if he runs away where to find him[.]

Monday 14th[.] Piché fell asleep last night and Perronne with two of his Men made their Escape in the night[.] Sent St Germain and La Viollette in a small Canoe by river D'embarras and Masquawsis and a Montagner boy by the River of Athabasca[.] They are to Continue their route till they meet above Ponds old Fort and if they can see no vestiges of them either ways they are to return the way they went[.] Gave them provisions for the Voyage[.]

Tuesday 15th[.] A band of Montagners arrived from Lac Claire[.] They asked Credits in Order to go to their lands – but as they were not ashamed to ask I was not ashamed to refuse – So they will Stay here About[.]


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