McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

[told him] V[ous] Viendrez Piché me [hauter] ces vers de dans [le] cul un autre fois & Je vous defend ma maison[.] Piche [a]nswered, Il faudrai avoir les mains de fer pour hauter [ce] vers du Cul du Diable & Je me Sacré de vous & de [vo]tre maison[.] I hope I will be excused for writing such indecent expressions as these – as it was not I but Pich[é] & Perronne that Spoke them[.] La Graine arrived with 9 skins worth of fresh Meat[.] Gave him a piece of Tobacco[.] He asked for Ammn but I reminded him of what he had when he was here last[.]

Friday 11th[.] Traded with the Petit Rognon and the Fils du Boeuf for rum 1 skin in Ducks, 10 Skins pounded and Dried Meat and 14 Ditto Beaver skins[.] Gave them a phial each for nothing[.] Received a letter from Mr Porter by a Montagner who goes to his lands as messenger from Monsr le Grand Coquin[.] St Germain & I passed [se]veral times this day before Perronnes Door[.] St Germain told him at last that if he would not come Out and give him satisfaction for having turned him without any right Out of his House he would hang a Dog in his place which he observed would be only hanging one Dog in place of another – but Perronne was afraid to Shew himself[.]

Saturday 12th[.] Beguelleazé Hachie and Masquashishi arrived – they traded 6 Skins dried Meat, 4 Do Grease, 14 Ditto pounded Meat, and 22 Ditto Beaver[.] Two Cree young Men arrived with a Canoe loaded wt half dried meat from the Roche qui Reluie's Byr[.] This Evening As St Germain was returning to his Lodge he found Perronne Smoking his Pipe on the threshold of his Door[.] St Germain told him to advance & give him satisfaction – Perronne said He would advance if he Chose – and advancing presented a cocked pistol to St Germain's Breast[.] St Germain drew his Dirk and told Perronne to draw his Dirk als[o] for he had it at his Side[.] Perronne said he would not for the one he held in his hand was his weapon[.] St Germain told him to go Out of [his] road & that he might fire if he was a Man[.] Perronne stept back back but did not fire his Pistol[.] St Germain then came here for a pan of Pistols & returned immediately with Piche & me but before we arrived there Perronne had secured himself in


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