McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Saturday 21st March 1800. Lambert went to Mamaoui to visit his Traps[.] [F]ine Day[.]

Sunday 22nd[.] Nothing except Lambert busy making Po-tash[.] [F]ine Day[.]

Monday 23rd[.] Lambert washed the room in which I Stay with ley – this is a punishment for stealing some wood to make his Pot ash[.] In the evening the Meuffle arrive[d] from the Forks with a Letter – which was written the 11th Inst[.] The Montagners and some of the Crees were then arrived at that place and paid the Most of their Credits[.] The rest of the Crees with Doust at their head stay in Wabasca to make their Canoes and Louis Boucher, a bocher, offered to make the Canoes in Dousts place[.] This is the purpose of the Letter[.] This Meuffle had a great many Credits here last fall[.] He Killed 4 or 5 Animals at the Forks which St Germain took for Beaver – a New mode of proceeding and an odd one to increase the packs[.] The Little Birds Eldest Son, who sent a young Man here the 5th Instant with threats of not bringing his Skins if nothing were sent him and who on that Account had the value of 6 skins, this impudent fellow I say sent another Young man along with the Meuffle to tell that I did not give him enough and that if I don't make haste and send him a great deal more he nor his skins will not come to the fort[.] I desired the young man to tell him that he may go to hell and as for the skins I shall take Care they shall be brought no where else than to this fort for frenchmen shall go to his lodge for that purpose and also to take from him a woman, whom he robbed from the Meuffle last fall, to be returned to her husband[.] Telther who passed the winter with this fellow has 50 Skins and desired the young man to tell that he is not angry, never speaks ill and will come tho' nothing were sent him – I thereforesent him one half foot Tobacco merely to vex the other[.] A little before Dark the whitefishes Gendre arrived – soon after Gallarneau and his family arrived[.] Sent the Whitefish 1 foot Tobc[.] Gallarneau informed us that the Beaver who was the Occasion of Labri's Death has gone to his lands through fear of being punished Altho' I assured him of the Contrary by Gathigh in the Month of January[.] One of the whitefishe's Gendres on the same Account deserted to Slave Lake & the whitefish, his Son, and other Gendre are greatly in doubt whether they will not be roughly handled as they are near relations of the Beaver – since they received the news of Labri's Departure into another World none of them worked being apprehensive that they must soon follow hi[m] And thus the Company lose Considerably for the sake of a poor, puny, timorous simpleton who died more by his own fault than that of the Indians – for Certainly if he had had a little sense and resolution he would not let Montagners impose upon him[.]


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