McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Current is generally observed with a Critical eye I shall take care to leave a Nich on the Creditor side for 8 Quarts High wines and 54 Measures powder[.] This will so much lessen Censure.

Thursday 19th[.] Fine Day but Genereux did not go away however to gain his victuals I made him work all Day so that he got no ease by Staying[.] In the Evening the Poile and another Montagner arrived – they paid 50 skins Credits and there remain 41 still due[.] Felix Labri arrived from the Islands with about 200 dried troute for his own use[.] Lambert busy making Soap for which he says there are no more ingredients necessary than Ashes, Grease and Salt[.] He got the grease from the Candlesticks but as for the salt no body but himself Knows where he found it[.]

Friday 20th[.] Genereux & Labri went away – the latter gave me 2 dried trouts and wherewith to make a flan which Lambert soon after made only into food for Hogs Consequently he himself ate of it very heartily[.] Labri had in return for his present ½ Plat Côté of old Bull & 2 Beaver Tails[.] I write this & every thing else of the Kind into this Journal to inform Gentlemen Critics that I seldom or never give any thing away without receiving its value in return[.] Should I not winter here next year the frenchmen according to Custom will tell my successor so as to induce him to do the same that I gave presents of Meat on every occasion on whenever they came to the fort – but let him look into my Journa[l] and he will find that instead of Presents they had only payments for their own presents[.] All Coq marres, pretending great intimacy with those whom they serve, make very free with their Characters and Circulate many idle Stories for and against them Just as it suits their own inclinations best – for example let any body discourse with either Dusablon, Piché, Lambert, Landrie & the favorite Topic of Conversation he will find to be poin[t]ing out the bad and feigning to do Justice to the good qualities of the person with whom he wintered – in short the whole troop of them forget they are Cooks by becoming Biographers & I think a Bourgeois forgets he is a gentleman by Conversing with them and giving Credit to their Stories[.] The Poile and his Escussion went away[.] Gave the former some more Credits and 4 skins for nothing[.] He means to pass the summer where he used to pass it but will not come here till he pay his Credits[.] This Indian certainly deserved to be reproved for his misbehaviour on his last Voyage in search of his relations but I thought it would be more in favour of the Companys Interest to try to please him[.] Any Insults or Menaces bestowed on these fellows this year they will perhaps have it next year in their power to retaliate[.]


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