McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Tuesday 24th[.] The whitefish, his Son and his Gendre paid 182 Skins Crs in Peltries & 12 in Meat[.] Gallarneau is in as bad a Condition with Scabs as Picoté on his arrival here – the latter arrived this evening from the Islands – having followed the Methods prescribed him at & before his Departure he is now perfectly Cured of his Scratching fits and scaly outside[.]

Wednesday 25th[.] Early this Morning the Meuffle went off[.] At the same time sent Lambert and the Whitefishes Gendre with 2 Dogs to River d'Embarras for Canoe wood as Cadien who is there making it means to come tomorrow or this Day but cannot bring the whole[.] About 12 O'Clock Cadien arrived with 2 trains of Canoe wood[.] He and Boucher have made 160 Traps & have already taken 50 Martens – Boucher Stays there taking Care of the traps[.] Chs Cadiens Comrade who went off at the same time with Cadien has since Killed 21 Skins and would have Killed a great many did not a Beaver disable him from trenching by biting one of his hands in a shocking Manner[.] The old whitefish traded 6 skins Beaver Stones, 4 do pounded Meat & 5 in fresh Meat[.] Gave him, his wife & Daughter & Son Some Sugar[.] He compares his other relations to Dogs – for says he – "defend one of these unreasonable animals from touching a train full of Meat in your absence and he seems to shew his obedience to your Commands by fawning and flattering you but you are no sooner out of sight than this vile animal begins to devour the Meat left in his Charge. In the same manner forbid a Montagner to Squander his time doing nothing or to Steal his Credits – he will like the Dog bark and flatter to Convince you how obedient he is to your will but as soon as you are out of the beas[t's] view your Commands are out of his Mind (if a beast may be said to have a Mind). Your Credits then are gone to Hell for a Devil has Carried them off[.]" To finish his speech, of which this only forms the Text, the Old Whitefish observed that his relations cannot be said to have been Corrupted for they were never sound having always stunk & still do stink, stink, stink, stink, stink[.] As we were going to bed the Little Birds 2 sons arrived with their trains full of Meat[.] They traded 3 Skins Meat for Rum which they were to drink a la sante du Vieux poisson blanc[.] Gave them 1 phial each gratis[.] These are Hudson Bay Jockeys & of course must be Considered two phials or Measures mixt rum more difficult to Content than the Clowns of this Department[.]

Thursday 26th[.] The Little Birds two Sons traded 14 Skins in Grease and Meat Credits and paid 4 Skins Do Crs. Gave them for nothing 3 skins and some Sugar and sent their father ½ fath Bad Tobacco – they went away well pleased Picoté & his wife accompanied them for Meat[.] Gave Cadien Blanc 1 fresh Beaver[.]


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