McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Monday 16th March Contd

Keg to bring them Rum[.] They said they would supply the want of frenchmen the best manner they Could by Carrying the skins themselves and would make a small Keg to bring them rum[.] Le Compte delivered his wood[.] He & BeauChemin went away[.] The former got his wood thro' Laziness Cut by Beauchimen & the half of it drawn by Lambert for payment[.] The Latter (Beauchemin) Spent 10 Days to Cut 6 Cords wood & draw three Do[.] Every Day he Slept about two hours about 12 O'Clock[.] As he had nothing to eat but dried trout his method was to eat whatever remained from supper while every body was sound asleep – & Lambert's wife often perceived him greasing his Chops in the Day time with the leavings of Lambert & her dirty self[.] It would be ten thousand pities to give this Drone 700 Livres and lug him back again to this place[.] He deserves more to receive 700 Lashes and to be drummed Down to the Gulph of St Lawrence there to be launched into the Atlantic Ocean in an empty boat to the mercy of the waves & to take an eternal sleep in the bellies of sea Monsters[.] In the Evening the old white fish's Son in law arrived[.] He brought nothing[.] He slept 3 nights from the Old Chief's Lodge[.] He came for Tobc and Ammn[.] Snowing all this day[.]

Tuesday 17th[.] The whitefish's messenger went away early this morning without Tobacco – it was refused him last night because a Candle Could not be brought into the Shop on account of the powder and he being a stupid fellow did not understand me when I told him this was the reason[.] So much snow fell since yesterday Morning that to walk with ease in the fort one would require racquettes[.]

Wednesday 18th[.] Lambert gathered the snow before the Doors of the Houses and Hangards[.] He also made ley for his own use[.] Genereux arrived from the fishery[.] Good news from that Quarter[.] Fine Day[.] Mixed two Kegs Rum for the Indians – having measured one of the Kegs of HWines put by last fall for the winter trade I found it wanted 8 Quarts[.] This I suppose is a Keg which has lain here since the year one and therefore had time enough to leak or imbibe the deficiency but I cannot think so of one of the Kegs of Powder in which there was a deficience of 54 skins[.] As the Accompt


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