McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Friday 13th March 1800. Lambert Caught 3 Martens[.] Cold Day[.] Late in the Evening the Little Birds 2 Sons arrived – they slept 1 Night from their lodge in which they left but their father[.] They have 2 Buffaloes en Cache & ask frenchmen to bring it to the fort – but as there are neither frenchmen or Dogs here I desired them to make them into P. Meat[.]

Saturday 14th[.] This Morning the Little Birds two Sons went away[.] Gave them 2 Measures Ammn 2 flints & about ½ foot Tobc between them and sent the old Chief, their father, 1 foot Tobc[.] These are Hudson Bay Gentlemen of Consequence they are more difficult to please than the Indians of this Post[.] About 12 o'Clock Itlahow and Jinca arrived – they Slept 4 Nights since their Departure from their Lodges when they left Marteau and 4 young Men[.] They have no more than 10 Skins each of their Credits except Jinca who has forty[.] A Gun bursting last fall in one of the young men hands not only disabled the Young man himself from working but the whole of them – so easily are they intimidated[.] Lambert made 60 Candles[.] Le Compte arrived from the Islands to Cut his wood[.]

Sunday 15th[.] Gave Jinca 2 M. Ammn and a bit of Tobc and sent a small piece to each of the others[.] My reason for this behaviour is the usual one viz. to please the Montagners – if the wise heads do not find this reason good they must Content themselves the best way they can for my part I cannot think of a better to offer them – besides my time does not me this day permit me to expatiate upon this subject on which it is plain there is no necessity to dwell any time[.] In the Evening two young men arrived from Marlin – they left him three Days ago with 7 Men more & an equal number of women all equally & heavily loaded with Skins & Meat[.] Heavy Taxes are laid upon poor people this year without the least prospect of meeting with adequate recompense from the imposers of them[.] Men to fetch the Skins, with rum, Tobacco and Ammunition in abundance are peremptorily asked from Marlin but not a word is spoken of the performance of his Magnificent promises last fall[.] Though he has forgot his promises yet he has not forgot his impudence – I ever thought him possessed of the latter in a higher degree than any of his relations, which is to say a great deal[.] His access of power by its means confirms him in the use of it & the necessity this year of complying with his Demands will render him entirely insupportable in a very short time[.]

Monday 16th[.] Sent Marlin 1 fathm of Tobc & 7 Measures Ammn – & told the Young men that there are no young frenchmen here to go & help them nor a small



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