McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Saturday 7th 1800 Contd

living to go and eat Trash[.] This day again he has play'd me such another Trick as yesterday[.] I took half an Orignal Tongue, Cooked and ate it alone & he with his Chere Dame pass the Day and night without eating which is a hard thing to want being both very fond of it[.]

Sunday 8th[.] I have made a Conquest. My Cock Mar is reduced to obedience – he is now as humble to me as a Mouse to a Cat[.] Picoté paid his Credits (8 skins)[.] Gave him a purge as a Sovereign Antedote for Scabs[.] Beauchimin broke a Large Ax cutting his Cord wood[.] Told him he will pay it Since which time he is very sick[.] St André arrived from the Islands to Cut his Cord wood[.] He looks & thinks exactly like another Chetec[.] [F]ine Day – the snow melting[.]

Monday 9th[.] Lambert caught a Silver fox of which the Carcajoux ate half[.] Bled Picoté the same as I have seen done to old, lean, rotten, scabby Horses[.] The next & last operation in order to separate him from his scaly Coat must be to Shear and Anoint him but this operation will be reserved for himself to perform – and when it is finished he will be as disagreeable to the smell as he is now to the Sight[.] Point d'arete or Beauchimin being sick of Laziness a Common distemper – I persuaded him to take a double dose of Glaubes salts as an effectual cure[.] This he took yesterday at 12 o'Clock after he had his Gogue full of fish – and it proved to have the desired Effect for he is grown so industrious as not to have slept last night or or Sit down all this Day[.]

Tuesday 10th[.] St André informed me this Evening that Labécasse sometime ago sold him a Large Auger for the breadth of 3 fingers of the small end of a Carrot Tobacco – this was selling a large auger very Cheap but not so Cheap as I suppose La Beccasse himself came by it[.] Last fall he stole a Crooked Knife belonging to the Company – Dusablon & Masquawsis, who had often made use of it, Knew it and he was obliged to return it[.] The auger he embezzled last fall while employed about the Kettles which he rather spoiled than mended[.] St André promised to return the auger – and I promised St André that La Beccass would pay him his 3 fingers Tobc and that La Beccasse shall be paid in a different Manner[.] Gave Picoté and Gibeau 2 Hooks 2 Lines and 1 Trench each and a Kettle between them as agres till the Ice breaks up.

Wednesday 11th[.] Picoté & Gibeau went away[.] Thoudanna arrived – he traded 1 wolf skin, 3 skins worth Beaver stones, 6 Do Beaver Tails, 1 Do pounded Meat, & 1 Do Grease in all 12 skins but I took it for 11 and gave him the 12th skin Gratis[.] He has his Credits already Killed[.]

Thursday 12th[.] St André delivered his wood & went off – he pays Lambert for cutting Jolies wood[.] La Viollette is at the Islands so sick that he cannot fish for himself – the Men there want to send him here but I desired them to Keep him as there are no medicines here to give him and nothing to nourish him but old fish[.] Sent him an orignal plat côté & 2 Beaver Tails[.] Cold Day[.]


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