McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Monday 24th Feby 1800. This Morning Cadien le Blanc & Hachie with their families went away[.] The latter paid 19 Skins of his Credits and means to trench hard for the rest[.] Gave him two Measures of Ammunition & a bit of Tobc upon his promising to arrive [o]n the last Ice with more than his Credits[.] Soon after the Poiles young man went away[.] Sent a piece of tobc to the poile with word that I would not be displeased with him if he brought all his Credits and more if he can[.] Gave this Indian 1 M. Am. and a Ps of bad Tobc, I mean the length of my finger[.] It is not amiss to remark here that Lambert having asked permission to go with Hachie to make pounded Meat for his wife in the Summer was told he might go en tous sureté – but he did not go as his wife thought his Child too weak to endure the Cold and as he did not like to leave me alone wt Masquawsis[.] I suppose he wanted to be begged to stay bu[t] finding his mistake he was content to remain where he was told to go instead of being told to Stay – for fear to be turned off for good & all like Dusablon last fall[.] In the Evening Genereux arrived from the Islands squiring Madame Courtois along on one leg[.]

Tuesday 25th[.] Biguilliazé arrived[.] Masquawsis all day busy making Traps at Mamaoui[.]

Wednesday 26th[.] Traded with Biguilliazé 1 skin worth of fresh Meat[.] He went after hachie & so did Masquawsis because there is no fat Meat here[.] Told him that as he is such Cochon as to think of nothing else but his belly he might go where he pleased – which is a greater privilege than the generality of Cochons possess[.] Soon after these fellows' departure arrived Lebeau and & one of Nose's Sons they left their band Consisting of 7 Men and the E. Chiefs Byr at their head in River d’écorse about 2 days march from here[.] They are doing nothing and have not half their Credits[.] Marlin left them last fall since which time they have had no acct of him or any of his followers[.] Gave Lebeau 1 foot Tobacco & 1 small bit to the Indian[.]

Thursday 27th[.] Early this morning Le Beau and the Indian went off[.] Sent the E. Chiefs Byr who fancies himself of greater Note than the rest, one foot Tobacco – & a small bit to each of those who are along with him with a great many Menaces of ill treatment if they do not try & pay the Most of their Credits[.] Gave this young man who has 60 Skins of his Credits 2 Ms of Ammunition and a small Ps Tobacco & desired him to tell the other young men they would be rewarded in the same manner if they behaved so well[.] He was well pleased & promised more than he has either the will or Capacity to perform[.]

Friday 28th[.] About 10 o'Clock Naudarrai & Toutouche arrived[.] They wintered where there is a great deal of Beaver but did not work through fear of the Crees[.] Toutouche had 70 Skins on Credit since the year 96 – last fall I gave him 10 more in Iron works &c. to try him once more[.] He assured me then he would behave well & Now he tells me that he has no more than 30 Skins at his Lodge[.] I have abused him to the last degree for his laziness – Yet he seems quite pleased & has


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