McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Friday 28th February 1800 Contd

since I quarreled him asked my Capot off my back[.] Nothing can equal Montagner laziness & Montagner Impudence[.] Very Cold Day[.]

Saturday 29th[.] The Cold very intense this day[.] Gave Naudarrai who has at his lodge 50 of 70 Skins Credits, the value of 2 skins gratis – but Toutouche was rewarded in words not the softest[.] Vermette & Parranteau arrived from the little Island in order to go off tomorrow with letters to the Forks[.] Gave them 46lb of Taureaux, 2 pair shoes, 1 pair Rackets, 2 flints and 14 whitefish for the Dogs[.]

Sunday March 1st[.] Early this morning Vermette & Parranteau went off for the Forks[.] Cadien le Blanc arrived with Meat for himself from Hachie[.]

Monday 2nd[.] Bouché and Ettier arrived from the Islands – soon after arrived Bilaire from Isle a la Crosse with Letters[.] An Indian came with him to the Forks and Little Cadien from the Forks to this place in all 11 Days march[.] Soon after this Normand and Derosier arrived from the Grand Marrais with a Letter from Mr Stuart[.] Then took 9 Days to come down and in that time ate 50lb Bull[.] Gave the I.L.C. Man at his own request 1 foot Tobc but none to the other Men they come here too often to be dealing away tobacco among them[.]

Tuesday 3rd[.] Sent Sundry Articles to Mr Stuart for the Trade at Grand Marrais as per Day Book folio[.] Gave Normand Derosier and Michel Cadien for their voyage to G.M. vizt 18lb Bull with 40 Do they have en Cache, 3 pr shoes 1 Pr Mittens and 1 Côte de Boeuf to make Shoes for the P. River Express at Grand Marrais as there is no leather there[.] Yesterday Ettier wanted to go with the Express to Isle a la Crosse but to punish him he shall remain here[.] I had no Intention of Sending any body there this year having no orders to that purpose and there being no Men here to spare to go with Billaire who cannot go alone – but this pothersome fellow teazed me so much about it since his arrival that for peace's sake I have promised to send Men with him to Portage La Loche whence he undertakes to go alone to Lac Du Boeuf[.] Ettier went off for his fishery[.]

Wednesday 4th[.] M. Cadien & Normand & Derosier went off for Grand Marrais[.] The two former are to go to Mr Frasers fort with the Express and farther if they can. Wrote the Peace River Gentleman[.] I forgot till these Men were gone that there is no body here to go with Belaire to Portage La Loche – Bouche goes for Mandeville tomorrow[.] I would send Bouche himself but that would be depriving Cadien Blanc of his Aid de Camp[.] Wrote all my Letters for this Express except one for Mr Wentzel & Alderman Vanity[.]

Thursday 5th[.] Bouché went for Mandeville[.] In the Evening a young man arrived from Grand Picote's Son a Chief of old and a Shadow of one Still[.] He makes high Demands for Goods with severe threats in case of a


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