McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Saturday Feby 22nd 1800 Contd

3Pouces told me he intended to go this Summer to make war upon the Eskimeaux – this I look upon as a sham to get goods for nothing – however in case it might be otherwise I thought fit to dissuad him from it[.] Gave the Petit Lievre who paid the most of his Credits the value of 4 Skins gratis with a view to encourage him to behave well another time and also in order to vex those who did not pay the third of their Crs whom I reproached and laughed at for their laziness while I rewarded & praised the other for his industry[.] Traded this day 26 skins in fresh Meat, 2 do Grease, 2½ do Pack Cords, & 3½ Beaver Stones[.] Snowed in the Evening[.]

Sunday 23rd[.] All the Indians except Hachie went off. They promised to come again in the Month of April if they can catch any Skins – if not they will not come till next fall[.] Gave 3Pouces the value of 16 skins – not in consideration of his past behavior which deserved no reward but on Condition of his behaving well here this Summer in every respect becoming a broken Chief who wishes to be restored to his former Dignities[.] It would have been an easy matter to send these Indians away all pleased by flatly refusing them all they wanted but it would not be an easy Matter to bring them back again & to keep them from Speaking unfavourably of the Fort so as to prevent other Indians from approaching it[.] The more that can be prevailed on to Stay here about in the Summer for Next winter the greater the returns of next year will be – and the more they will be pleased the more they will be attached to us in case of Intruder's who may Change the face of affairs so far as to oblige us to please the Montagners when it will be more difficult than it is now[.] To please them everybody who has wintered along with them Knows that not only fair words but Some goods are necessary to do it effectually & if it is not done well what is the good of doing it at all[.] I should not therefore think it in the least a waste of Goods to give every Montagner who promises faithfully this spring not to Stir from the fort all summer, 2 Measures Ammunition, 1 foot bad tobc, 1 awl 1 firesteel, 1 flint, & 1 Gun worm gratis[.] Supposing in this manner two pieces were spent would it not be infinitely repaid by a great increase in Packs next year or perhaps by preventing an opposition if such takes place from making any returns and thereby banishing them the place[.] This method has been tried there when I think from many concurring reasons it was not so necessary as now[.] It is true my Accompt Current will suffer by it & a Bourgeois sitting in his armed Chair at the Grand Portage will not scruple to call me an extravagant fellow at sight of the immense amount without enquiring about the manner it was incurred – but should he not take this trouble he is Bourgeois & consequently has the power to supersede me by sending another who will act better in my place[.] Cadien le Blanc & his two wives arrived with fish[.] He means to go with Hachie tomorrow to fetch for himself the thighs shoulders & croops of 4 Animals which this Indian has in Cache[.] Near Dark an Indian arrived from the Poile – he saw no Indians in his voyage & he has only 30 Skins – by this young Man he sent 2 fathoms of tobc which he had last fall to be given to Indians[.] Nothing Particular happened besides all this[.]


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