McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Thursday 20th[.] Nothing[.]

Friday 21st[.] A little before sun set Trois Pouces & his Slave and another Slavishish looking fellow arrive with each a Train but with little or nothing on them – previous to his arrival he thought proper to send a Messenger to announce his being near hand & to ask tobc – of this rotten stuff for there is none good here, I sent him 1 foot[.] I quarrelled him & reasoned him out of the little sense he has got because after twelve Months absence he brought neither Skins nor Indians but I believe as he is a rooted rascal that reasoning or scolding will have little effect upon his future any more than they had upon his former Conduct – however I could not help trying – & if I fail nothing can be lost by it but words[.] At the same time with this fellow two of the Indians who had Credits here last fall arrived – one of them, called the Petit Lievre from I.L.C., paid 44 Sks out of 56 – the other from Slave Lake & brother to Six Fingers after 5 months absence paid only 29 out of 81, which through Mr Porter's recommendations of him I was induced to entrust him last fall[.] Near Dark Cantaras arrived from Pointe des Roches with a train of dried trouts for himself & two very large & two very small but all very good trout as a present for us[.] A while after Dark Masquawsis & Hachi who left this, in the last month arrived with several Trains of fresh Meat, the only thing they looked for since their Departure[.] It was impossible for me to avoid shewing the latter my Just displeasure at his behavior – but he excused himself by assuring me that he will kill his Credits yet before the embarkation[.]

Saturday 22nd[.] Cantaras went away[.] Gave him half of a Plat Coté of old Bull & two hooks for his trouts – the hooks he asked – desired him to tell the others to bring no more presents of this Kind since they must be returned in this Manner[.] Received this day from 3Pouces, do's Byr, Liduazé, and Peresise 21½ Skins of their Credits[.] Now it must be owned these are clever fellows and afford a fine prospect of what is to be expected this year from the Carribou Country – between 4 Blockheads in a years time they could not complete 22 Skins but must needs leave them ½ Skin less and arrive here two months before the time they should and the very best season for working Beaver[.] The Montagners degenerate every year – last year they worked worse than the preceding one & this year it is is visible already that they will work less than last year[.] It will soon be beyond the power of any Man to either to reason or compel them into any good[.] I have been haranguing them all this day not to return any more to their Lands, to try & pay their Credits this spring &c. They promised Compliance and accordingly had a few more Credits – but I doubt that they will Keep to their word[.] 3Pouces


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