McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Tuesday 3rd[.] Mandeville went for fish[.] Received Jos. Labri’s 3 Cords wood[.]

Wednesday 4th[.] Papin, Mandeville & Le Compte went off[.] In three Meals or in the time that we took to eat three Meals these Men ate 23 white fish & a Dishful of Pounded Meat & grease. The Fish, Papin who was Cook, boiled with the Guts &c. Le Compte engaged for a year[.] [A]fter Dark Trois Pouces Slaves arrived[.] They left 3Pouces on his Lands with many more Montagners[.] He sent word that he would not come here if nothing was sent him[.] Sent him the value of 15 Skins & a few things to the young Men themselves, & desired them not to come till the last season as they wanted to come now with Nothing but Meat which I told them I would not trade if they brought any without Skins[.] Recd L’Espagnols 3 Cords wood[.]

Thursday 5th[.] Traded with the above young Men 6 Carriboux Skins & 10½ Ditto in Peltries[.] After Dark Mr Wentzel & Cadien arrived from the Forks in 8 Days[.] St Germain sent the former Down to remain here till the beginning of the Month of March having no provisions or hardly any thing to do wt him till that time[.] Very Cold Day[.]

Friday 6th[.] Early this Morning Trois Pouces young Men went off[.] Soon after Biguillazé who had been sick here abouts since 10 Days ago went away[.] [A]t Dark Lambert being to visit his Traps found Little Labri at the Pointe aux chiens on a Train and carried by this Indian who found him at the entrance of Rivière des Rochets almost frozen to Death being already unable to walk through hunger & Cold[.] He left the Beaver’s lodge about 6 Days ago – During which time he ate nothing and only made a fire for 2 Nights – the rest of the time he slept without fire and without anything to cover him but his usual Dress – yet he carefully carried on his back 2 New Blankets 1 pair Leggins & 1 pair shoes but preferred freezing himself to Death to making use of them[.] He was carried into Cadien Le Blanc’s house & his feet which he had been busy cutting with his Ax when he was found & which were as hard as stones were put into Cold water[.] When put into the water he enquired whether his Petite Hache was safe. He was more anxious about it than about his own Body which was far from being so[.] I must not omit telling here that the Beaver behaved to his poor fellow in a Rascally manner[.] He first took his Tobacco & ammunition from him & then told him to set off alone for the Fort which he according did but would never arrive had he not been by mere chance discover'd by the Indian who brought him here[.]

Saturday 7th[.] This morning early Lambert set out for Old Fort in order to advertise the two Labri’s of their Brothers Fate[.] Joseph Bouché arrived from the old Fort – he has brought at different times upwards of 200 whitefish for himself & Cadien Le Blanc[.] St André came from pointe de Roche – bad fishery there[.] Little Labri’s feet are still soaking in Cold Water but retain their hardness[.] We watched him



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