McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

all last night[.] He fainted often in the course of the night but we always brought him to life again by the help of mulled wine[.] Once in particular when he felt himself very weak & Sick & thought he was dying – he said Adieu! Je m’en vasTous mon bien a ceux qui ont soin de moi[.] Cold day[.]

Sunday 8th[.] Engaged St André in quality of Steersman for 6 years & deliver’d him the half of his phials[.] The two La Bries arrived – Joseph with Tears in his eyes made a severe remonstrance to Pierreau for his Dureté to his own body[.] Felix when Lambert told him the Condition of his Brother said (instead of thanking Lambert for his trouble) Veux tu que Je fasse la. Oh! Cependant ça arrive bien apropos car Je allois au Fort demain avec du poisson[.] Accordingly he brought 290 whitefish[.] Masquawsis killed 2 hares[.] Cold day[.]

Monday 9th[.] The Two Labris to shew their Chagrin for their Brothers approaching End played at Cards with Bouché & Cadien all this day & were very merry while poor Pierreau lay behind them Complaining & unprovided with a house – for Cadien who goes a hunting does not Judge it apropos to leave him in his own house[.] Paid F. La Bri 650 Livres in Goods for 1300 hundred whitefish he brought here this winter[.] St André went away[.] Same weather as usual[.]

Tuesday 10th[.] After the Labris had play’d at Cards till they were tired they went away and left their Brother almost on the point of Death to be taken care of by Strangers I mean by people with whom he has not the least relationship or who are not obliged to take care of him any otherwise than through mere humanity – which from his Brothers behaviour it is not difficult to see they are altogether destitute of[.] Cadien Le Blanc & Joseph Bouché with their families to whom they added Masquawsis went on a hunting party towards Rivierre d’epinnette[.] They mean to be absent till the first of March as they fancy they can kill animals but I fancy not[.] Gave them 8 Measures Amm: each[.]

Wednesday 11th[.] Jos. Labri & Dusablon arrived from the Old Fort – the former brought fish for his Brother – the Latter is to remain here taking care of him – a very unfit person to take care of a sick Man – being naturally Brutal & so Deaf that he cannot always hear this poor fellows feeble voice[.]

Thursday 12th[.] Thouyally a Boy & a good for nothing fellow arrived – however he brought a pichoux[.] No News could be expected from him – his travels were not great being only to the old Fort[.] Jos. Labri went off – he would not stay this day to plaister a house for his Brother’s reception[.] Lambert refused to help Dusablon to do it because his Brothers would not do it[.] I offered to help Dusablon befor J.L. yet that did not make him ashamed[.]

Friday 13th[.] Mandeville & Parranteau arrived with 200 whitefish from Felix to P. Labri[.] The latter suffers much[.]

Saturday 14th[.] La Bri very sick indeed[.] His complaining can be heard a great way off – his greatest torment arises from a pain above the left Groin which seems black & blue & from an obstruction of Urine Since yesterday tho he drinks a great quantity of water[.] He has a brute of a fellow to take care of him – this day having asked the kettle pretty


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