McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Tuesday 26th Novr 1799[.] There being nothing for me to do & no body expected here[.] [T]he 24th I went to the old Fort – remained there all the day yesterday so as to see how they fished, and returned this day[.] F. Labri has continually got 6 Nets in water in which he generally catches 100 whitefish daily[.] La Biccass has 3 Nets in water and takes about 60 pieces fish per day[.] L’Espagnol & Joseph Bouché have only 2 Nets in which they Catch about 40 pieces every day[.] Their Nets are set behind the Little Island which is before the Fort[.] They went to visit them yesterday about an hour before day light and returned a little after Sunrise whereas they told us here more than once that they took the whole day to visit their Nets – I went to see them while they were about it[.] [T]he morning was very Cold which often made them rub their hands and put on very wry faces by way of a remedy for the Pain they felt[.] In Labri’s house there are 5 Men, a woman and 3 Children, in LaBicasse’s house there are 3 Men and 3 women, and in L’Espagnols there are two Men and 2 women[.] In the first of these Houses they eat about 35 whitefish every day – in the second 20 do and in the last 15 do – all these they devour in three Meals and sometimes in only one – but that is regulated by the surfeits they take at a time which are not always equal[.] They seem to owe a grudge to each other in the different houses[.] They never pay a visit to one another & if their affairs oblige them sometimes to exchange a few words it must be without Doors[.] Even the two Brothers (the two Labris) have not spoken in amicable terms to one another since last fall[.] In short they are as sulky as Bears but to do them Justice they were not so to me on the Contrary I was very politely treated by them[.] My description of them & their actions may seem a bad return for their Kindness – however I have one thing in my favor which is that all I have said to their prejudice is true and the Journal is intended to Contain every thing that is true about Frenchmen[.] Nothing happened here during my absence[.]

Wednesday 27th[.] Felix Labri & Beauchimin arrived from the old Fort with 220 white fish[.] Piché’s Byr in Law also arrived[.] He owes a great many Credits Here since last year and being poxed up to the eyes is unable to pay them[.]

Thursday 28th[.] Nothing[.]

Friday 29th[.] Lambert Caught a Marten[.]

Saturday 30th[.] Nothing at all[.]

Sunday December 1st[.] Nothing[.]

Monday 2nd[.] Late at Night Le Compte & Papin arrived from Pointe de Roche[.] Soon after Mandeville arrived with 54 whitefish[.] He was obliged to leave about 100 on the Lake as he had put heavier loads upon the Dogs this Morning than they have been able to carry this far[.]


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