McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Thursday 14th November 1799[.] Settled every thing for Cadiens voyage to the Forks – and wrote Letters to Messrs St Germain and Wentzel[.] Labri arrived with 125 white fish[.]

Friday 15th[.] Early this Morning Labri set out for the Old Fort and Cadien, Perreault & St Germain’s Daughter for the Forks[.] The Latter three had for their voyage 40te Pimecan, 3 Measures Ammunition, 1 pair Shoes 1 pair Rackets and 18 white fish for the Dogs[.] Sent St Germain at his own request 3 half axes, 2 broad trenches 2te Beads and 2 Quarts Salt all which I did not like to refuse him as the want of such articles may prove of some hurt at the Forks – especially the Salt upon which, together with a Frying Pan without a Tail which I have sent him, St Germain seems to lay great Stress in his Epistles to me this fall[.] In his last he asked a hunter once, a Frying Pan three or four times and Concludes with a sad Complaint that he has nothing to Fry or Boil but pounded Meat[.]

Saturday 16th[.] Masquawsis visited my Marten Traps and Caught 3 Martens[.] Very Cold Day[.]

Sunday 17th[.] Dusablon and Mandeville arriv'd from the Old fort with 125 whitefish and a Troute as a present from La Bri[.] This Day is so very Cold that Dusablon poor soul Complains of having almost frozen his But end doing that which nobody else could do for him[.]

Monday 18th[.] Dusablon and Mandeville went off for the Old Fort[.] Lambert went with his Bona Roba to gather Moss for their son, the fruit of their Love & darling of their Lives – Observing very wisely that as their stock of Moss is almost finished it is better to go for more now while the weather is warm than in the Depth of winter when it must be Dug out of the snow with their hands – besides C’est mieux d’avoir plus que moin de Mousse qu’il faut – Ça servira toujours cette Mousse[.] Soon after He arrived with a Huge Load of Moss on his back while Madame walked slowly behind Carrying nothing but her little snarling Brat[.] Masquawsis seeing him arrive thus accoutred observed that Lambert wanted nothing more to make him a woman than a "Cloak with a Red Lining and a Black fringe"[.]

Tuesday 19th[.] Lambert went to renew his Attraps which he says the wolves have destroyed[.] Fine Day[.]

Wednesday 20th[.] Mandeville & Perreault or Parranteau arriv'd from Labri with 210 whitefish on 6 Dogs[.]

Thursday 21st[.] Lambert shot 2 Otters and Caught 6 Martens in his attraps[.] Mandeville & Parranteau went away[.] Masquawsis shot two Partridges[.]

Friday 22nd[.] Visited my Marten traps but Caught [n]othing[.] Masquawsis Caught a Marten[.]


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