McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Wednesday 6th[.] Very Cold Day[.] Gave Cadien B[lanc] & Perreault their Agres that they may set off to morrow so as to fish at the Bustard Island should the Ice be still too weak to let them proceed to the old Fort[.] After Day I should say after Dark it began to rain[.]

Thursday 7th[.] Masquawsis Caught three Martens in the Traps that I got made at River D’embarras[.] The Men could not venture on going away this day as the Ice is broke in many places and all over Covered with water[.] Rained all day[.]

Friday 8th[.] This Morning Joseph Bouché & the Spaniard set out for the Bustard Island with two Nets to set there[.] The others with the Baggage mean to follow them tomorrow & are firmly resolved not to return till they Catch plenty of fish[.] Lambert and the Little Montagner made 18 Marten Traps at Mamaoui[.]

Saturday 9th[.] This Morning Cadien Blanc, Perreault & two women set off for the Bustard Island[.] Caught a Foutreau in one of my Traps at Mamaoui[.] The wolves broke Lamberts Traps[.] Cold Day[.] Hard frost this morning[.]

Sunday 10th[.] Masquawsis and Naishal went off in order to go the Bustard Island[.] Very Cold Day[.]

Monday 11th[.] About Midday Courtois arrived from Big Island with his wife on a Train drawn with great speed by two Dogs[.] He says that when they can eat one Meat per Day at the Big Island they think it a great luxury as very often they can get none at all[.] Got this Man to arrange a Net which we purpose setting tomorrow where Sacre Ville Dieu used to Catch fish about this time of the year[.]

Tuesday 12th[.] This morning we tried to set the Net under the Ice but could not owing to too much Ice driving under that which is taken[.] While we were busy about the Net Cantaras arrived from Pointe de Roche, Mandeville, J. Labri & Lattenville from the old fort – and Cadien Blanc from the Bustard Island[.] [A]t Pointe de Roche they have lost 3 Nets at the old Fort 6 ditto and are now Come for other Nets[.] Those Nets were lost in the Ice[.] When they set them they thought the Ice was Strong but par Malheur it was not & the first Coup de vent carried all away[.] I thought it useless to quarrel them for their Negligence in losing these Nets as it is as Just that they should pay them as it is to make them pay an empty Corn Bag or a Canoe Awl which they lose between this & Lac La Pluie[.] I therefore gave them other Nets which they Cannot live without[.] Cadien Killed but 10 whitefish since his Departure[.] His share of these has not fattened him and a Canadien is seldom pleased quand il n’engraisse pas[.] Cantaras is like a skeleton[.] He lived all the fall upon Berries[.] La Bri sent us 100 white fish[.]

Wednesday 13th[.] All the Men went off for their different Fisheries except Cadien who goes with Perreault to the For[ks.]


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