MacDonell, John. Description of Lake Athabasca and the Chipweans, ca. 1805 and Journal of a Voyage from Lachine to Fort River Qu'Appelle, 1793. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0005

having been twenty years voyaging in the Hudson's Bay's Service[.]

Hill River 

1st The Rock  

10 yds long 

2nd White mud 

50 [yds long] 

3rd Little Rock 

30 [yds long] 

4th Burnt wood 

60 [yds long] 

5th Upper Burnt wood 

60 [yds long] 

6th Swamp in ye hill 

120 [yds long] 

7th Little Rocky Portage 

50 [yds long] 

8th Mossy 

350 [yds long] viz ¼ mile 

9th Little Rock 

100 [yds long] 

10th Mr Thomson's Port 

50 [yds long] 

11th Upper [Port] 

50 [yds long] 

12th D__l's Creek 

20 [yds long] 

13th Grounwater's Island 

15 [yds long] 

now Pass swampy Lake and then

Jack River 

14th Handg place JackRe. 

130 yds 

15th Long Portage 

400 [yds] ¼ mile 

16th Swampy [Portage] 

400 [yds] ¼ [mile] 

17th Little Rock [Portage] 

12 [yds] 

18 Upper most Jack River 

70 [yds] 

then pass


L E G E N D :
 in red , modifications made by the editor(s).
 in lavender , modifications made by the assumed author(s).

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