MacDonell, John. Description of Lake Athabasca and the Chipweans, ca. 1805 and Journal of a Voyage from Lachine to Fort River Qu'Appelle, 1793. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0005

The Portages from Lac La Pluie to lake Winipie are

1st Portage in Lake of woods, 2nd Portage du Rat, 3rd La terre Laurie[,] 4th Petit Rocher de Charette, 5th La Terre Blanche, 6th Portage de l'Isle, 7th Chûte a Jaco, 8th Pointe de Bois, 9th Petit Roché, 10th Roché Brulé, 11th Chûte des Esclaves, 12th La Barriere, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th[.] The six Portages of the Riviere Blanche, 19th & 20th[.] The 2 Petit Rochers du Bonnêt, 21st Le Bonnet about a mile Long, 22nd Galais du Bonnèt, 23rd La Terre Blanche, 24th[,] 25th[,] 26th[,] Les trois eaux qui Remuent.

From Lachine to Lake Superior 

36 Porg 

From Lake Superior to Lac la Pluie 

36 [Porg] 

From Lake la Pluie to Lake Winipie 

26 [Porg] 

Total Portages from Montreal to Lake Winipie 

98 [Porg] 

I add for your information all the portages from York House H.B. to Lake winipie and consequently to the Red River settlement Pr Jas Halero who knows the Road well



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