MacDonell, John. Description of Lake Athabasca and the Chipweans, ca. 1805 and Journal of a Voyage from Lachine to Fort River Qu'Appelle, 1793. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0005

Published by: Digital Collections Program, Rare Books and Special Collections Division, McGill University Librairies

Rare Books and Special Collections Division
McGill University Libraries
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Montreal, QC H3A 1Y1
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McGill Fur Trade Project Number: MFTP 0005

Masson Number: MASS 2352



The Journal is published in Charles M. Gates, ed., Five Fur Traders of the Northwest (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 1965), 61-119.

Bibliographic Note(s)

54 leaves 32.9cm x 20.2cm formed from a folded sheet. Laid paper; watermark Britannia and 1827. Brown ink. In a glazed laid paper wrapper 32.7cm x 21.5cm watermarked A GOWAN & SON IVORY and bound with pink tape.

Editorial Note(s)

Early copy.

In good condition.

Added text and corrections in the margins have not been transcribed unless considered as part of the original transcriber's text. Some corrections within in body have been retained if deemed to be those of the transcriber. Deleted-out text has not been indicated unless considered to be by the transcriber.

From page 1 to 46 the manuscript appears to be in 2 different hands. Often the handwriting changes at the beginning of a page, and occasionally in mid-sentence.

The attribution of the "Description" to John MacDonell is based on its association with the "Journal" both of which were copied at the same time and treated physically as a unit.