MacDonell, John. Description of Lake Athabasca and the Chipweans, ca. 1805 and Journal of a Voyage from Lachine to Fort River Qu'Appelle, 1793. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0005

canoes stopped to smoke their pipes[.] The wild plumb, and Grape, the pair, choak and sand cherries, Summer berry and the Rasp berry are also natives of this country[.] Names of the Portages from Lake Superior to Red River –

1st Grand Portage 3 Leagues Long[,] 2nd Perdrix[,] 3rd Grosse Roche[,] 4th Carribou[,] 5th L'Outarde ½ league long, 6th L'Orignal, 7th Grand des Cerises, 8th and 9th the two vases[,] 10th Petit Portage noeuf[,] 11th Grand Portage Noeuf ½ league long, 12th La Marte, 13th Les Perches, 14th Height of Land, 15th L'Escalier, 16th Le Cheval de Bois, 17th Gros des Pins, 18th Petit Rocher de Saguinaga, 19th Petit Rocher de la Prairie, 20th La Prairie, 21st 22nd 23rd The 3 Rochers des Couteaux, 24th La Carpe, 25th Gros des Bois Blancs, 26th Petit des Bois Blancs, 27th Grand des Pins, 28th La Pointe de Bois, 29th Petit Rocher du Lac Croche, 30th Le Rideau, 31st Le flacon[,] 32[nd] 33rd 34th Les 3 Portages La croix, 35 & 36[,] Les deux petits Portages Neuf, 37th La Chaudiere in view of Fort L.L.P[.]



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